Thursday 23 January 2014

Entry #13 The Past Part 2

Today, we will analyze the final film in the two-part blog about the past. In this final blog about the past, the film that is going to analyzed is Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End. In this film, Jack Sparrow's friends try to rescue him from Davy Jones locker and try to end Cutler Becket and the East India Trading Company's control of the sea.

Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End: How to Over come the Past

This film has many themes, one of the major themes is betrayal. A person's past can cause the friends and loved ones of that person to question their friend. The film's first feature of betrayal is Willam Turner Jr. and Sao Feng in Singapore. Will wants the Black Pearl to free his father from the miserable life aboard the Flying Dutchman, Sao Feng just wants to join the "winning" side. Feng decides to betray his fellow pirates and go straight to Becket and tell him valuable information. But after that Jack's friends they just want him back in the world because he is the one person that will be facing his past: Davy Jones and Cutler Becket. But first Jack's friends must get him out of Davy Jones Locker and bring him back to the world of the living.  To find Davy Jones locker you have to be lost in order to find it, other wise everyone would know where it is. This is very important, in order to find some happiness in your past, you have to be lost in order to find it. In this case, that happiness for the past in the film is Captain Jack Sparrow. After they get into Davy Jones locker (over a waterfall) because Davy Jones never gave up what he lost. So they find Jack, but there is one problem, how to get out of Davy Jones locker? It is very simple, Up is Down. This does sound very unhelpful but keep this in mind, when the sun sets in Davy Jones locker, it will rise in the land of the living. So what Jack comes up with is to flip the Black Pearl upside down and it will rise up from the depths to the land of the living. So The Pearl does rise up after Jack and his friends flip it upside down. Captain Jack is back to face his past, but he is very hesitant to face it, but there is an organization that will help Jack, and that organization is the Brethen Court. This is where all the pirate Lords from the different edges of the world meet. Jack and Barbossa are a few of them, they do have one person on their side, they have Calypso, who is, Davy Jones's love in which he cut out his heart for her. They gather the nine peices of eight and release Calypso, she mocks them then returns to the sea. At that moment, the enemy (Becket and Jones) got ready for the battle. Jack is traded to Jones and locked in the bridge aboard the Flying Dutchman, so he breaks out to face his past. He faces Jones, they duel swards on one of the masts on the Dutchman, Jack seems he will win, but there is a tragic loss, Davy Jones stabs Will Turner Jr. in the heart, so Jack does the noble action, he places Davy Jones's heart beside Will, and with Will's last action, he stabs the heart. Jones is defeated and has been released of his duty as Captain. As Jack escapes with Will's wife, Elizabeth, they watch as the Dutchman goes down. Becket see's the Pearl as a sitting duck, no guns are out, no nothing. He gets his ship ready to eliminate Jack and the following quote is said "It's nothing personal Jack, it's just good business" at that moment, the Dutchman has returned, but it is not on Becket's side, it is on the pirates side and Jacks side, because, Will stabbed the heart of Davy Jones, thus, Will Turner Jr is the new captain of the Flying Dutchman, then Jack gives the order to load the cannons. The Dutchman and the Pearl corner Becket and blow it to Davy Jones Locker.

Final Thought
You cannot face your past by yourself, you need help if it comes with back up. You do not need an entire army, and what not to take it down, your past is your past, only you can look it in the eye and make sure it goes back down and never comes up again, like Becket and Davy Jones. Then you are "free" from your past, because you faced it, looked it in the eye and said I am not scared of you, I know what will happen, you cannot take be back with you, I have moved on and have begun to improve myself and my life.

That is my look on the past by film analysis by looking at Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest and At World's End.

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