Friday 10 January 2014

Entry #10: Harper and Obama and Elections vs. Lottery System

As 2014 had been a looking very promising for most people, there are some that just will not have a good year. First I will look at Canada: The Harper Years then America: Obama's Rise and Fall over his past term in 2013

To begin this chat, I will look at Canada: The Harper Years and what has Canada's Prime Minister done to Canada.

Canada: The Harper Years

Stephen Harper was elected back in February 6 2006 and to this day has been one of Canada's longest serving Prime Ministers. At first, everyone was pleased on what Harper was going to do to turn Canada around and improve our economy, create jobs, more social programs. To us, that sounded like a great promise, then in 2008, the Conservatives (Harper is part of the Conservative Party of Canada) began to promote creating new jobs out to into the Canadian economy to help build it up. As more and more Canadians went looking for the new job opportunities, including myself, we could not find any of these jobs. So this action plan the Conservatives and Harper decided to create to help get Canadians new jobs, did not exist. The ads on the radio and the television do not run anymore because people have called them on this, then in 2012-2013 came the senate scandal involving Mike Duffy, Pamala Wallin and Patrick Bruzeau. Further back ground on Duffy and Wallin, Duffy has a cottage in PEI, but HAS NOT BEEN TO PEI and his primary residence is Ottawa Wallin was born and raised in Saskatchewan but has move to Toronto and Ottawa and yet Harper put them there even when he knew about where they currently live. Duffy paid his expenses back to the people of Canada, but it was not out of Duffy's own pocket, it came from the Prime Minister's  Chief of Staff, Nigel Write. Wallin did not do the same thing, she traveled to a very expensive hotel and paid for it using tax payer dollars. This was and still is not acceptable. Then an RCMP investigation came in and Harper quickly defended himself, saying, 'I had no part in this' then got the senators suspended from Parliament. To sum the whole things up, Harper purposely and deliberately  set up Duffy and Wallin for this. Now I highly doubt they will go back to the Conservative Party because Harper, is also a control freak. Everything has to be done his way, with out any argumentation. I do not believe Harper can win the 2015 election and stay within Parliament and our Prime Minister. I can see either the Liberals or the NDP taking power and undo what Harper has done. 

Next on the agenda is Obama and the United States and what has happened since his Presidency.

America: Obama's Rise and Fall

Since Barack Obama has been elected, back in 2008, everyone thought he would be a great president, and he was, up until 2012 when he decided to bring in ObamaCare and a few of his party members thought it was a great idea, until they realized the insurance company would not be making a profit. That is when the trouble began, but it got worse, Obama had a website created so American citizens could apply for ObamaCare, but the website would not work. That is when everything went downhill, since then some of the Democrats sided with the Republican party because they got worried that the citizens applying for the healthcare, would not get the care they needed.

Elections vs. Lottery System

For those who do not want to go out and vote for a lawyer, economist or businessman who claim they "are just like you", well they are not. They do not know what it is like to be a student, a single parent, etc., what elections do is allow people to address your concerns to whom ever it may concern. Why do we elect lawyers, businessmen and economists into our countries political system, it is because we do not want to do that. I am more on the side of the lottery system, this system is like putting names in a hat and drawing out a name, then you are going to parliament or Congress. This system would be better because, rather than elections, we would have a more variety of people like students, single-parents, people on welfare, etc., with these people we can see what would happen and what would get accomplished to improve our countries and our cities and our provinces and states. 

My final thought:

Harper and Obama, get your acts together. People do not want to see this kind of garbage going on in the House of Commons and Parliament and in Congress. For all we care, Rob Ford could be better at both jobs (Prime Minister AND President). We do not need anymore promises being broken nor new ones being created. Get your acts together, and actually come to a compromise over these issues, then you will see  how much can get accomplished and to put elections on the back burner and elect people that are like you and me, we can discuss what we actually go through, and what compromises we can come to agree to.

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