Sunday, 13 October 2019

Entry #61 ION Route Changes and Fall 2019 Service Changes Reviewed

Hello fellow internet searcher,
This is a blog regarding public transit service changes regarding the current ION LRT launch in Kitchener-Waterloo and fall 2019 service changes for Cambridge. To begin this blog, let's start off with the ION Launch and the many routes that changed with it.

Route 1 Queen-River
 Revised route to connect with ION at Frederick Station and Queen Station. This change should have happened once route 1 was introduced. Route 1 being one of the main routes that connects to Downtown Kitchener, the route should have been removed from Charles Street transit terminal, and have it directly travel along Benton/Frederick Street to provide a more direct connection downtown. For those who wish to transfer to Charles Street terminal, at the time, routes 4 Glasgow, 7 Mainline, 8  University-Fairview would have been a more direct way to connect to Charles Street Terminal. Route 1 should have also been looked at to have been modified to service Rolling Meadows and Driftwood, similarly like having a 1A Driftwood and 1B Rolling Meadows. Which both routes would service the Boardwalk. Route 1 was a good change with the launch of ION.

Route 2 Stirling
Route 2 was revised to service Stanley Park Mall and the community of Forest Heights. This was another really good change. Route 2 have very little to no ridership downtown Kitchener. By removing it from Downtown, more people saw the 2 leaving Stanley Park Mall as an opportunity to increase its ridership. The routing itself is not that bad, but the only busy section of the 2 is from Stanley Park Mall to Highland Hills Mall. Once it travels along Westheights, Rolling Meadows and Driftwood, there's nobody on the bus. Personally, I see that as a waste of resources, and there really should not be 2 buses in Forest Heights. Route 1 should be looked at and modified to service Driftwood and Rolling Meadows and have 2 branches 1A Boardwalk via Driftwood and 1B Boardwalk via Rolling Meadows, and have route 2 service the Sunrise Centre Station and combine it with route 23 Idlewood.
Route 1 was an excellent change with the launch of ION.

Route 3 Ottawa South
Route 3 would be revised to travel from Sunrise Centre and Downtown Kitchener via Ottawa Street, Kingswood Drive, Mill Street, and Charles Street and would continue as route 4. This was an interesting change, I am in favour of it because it's direct, but at the same time, there is no Fairway Station-Sunrise Centre connection without transferring 3 buses. Personally, I believe the 3 should have been modified to service Sunrise-Fairview-Stanley Park. This would create a direct connection with ION as well.
Route 3 was a good change for ION launch, but could be reworked in the future.

Route 4 Glasgow-Margaret
Route 4 would be revised to service Frederick Station/Queen Station, Grand River Hospital Station and The Boardwalk Station along the Margaret Street, Park Street, Glasgow Street and University Avenue corridors. This was another good change, personally, this route, very similarly to route 3, should have been looked at to service The Boardwalk-Downtown-Conestoga College. This is another missing link that could have been connected. Having a Boardwalk-College link would not just help with the increasing ridership at Conestoga College, but also getting people that work at the College to their job when living out close to the Boardwalk or Downtown.
Route 4  was a good change for ION launch, but could be reworked in the future.

Route 6 Bridge-Courtland
Route 6 was revised to service Conestoga Mall and Fairway Station along Bridge Street, Downtown Kitchener, and Courtland Avenue. This was an excellent change. This provides a quicker and more direct route to Conestoga Mall, even faster than route 7. Route 6, however, should have it's frequency increased to 15-minutes because of how popular and busy it is.
Route 6 was an excellent change for ION Launch.

Route 7 King
Route 7 was revised to service Conestoga Mall and Fairview Mall along the King Street corridor and the Connaught neighbourhood. This was another excellent change, although, the short-turn 7s should be between Conestoga Mall-University of Waterloo-Uptown Waterloo and Central Station (King-Victoria) This is where most of the passengers get off for connections.
Route 7 was an excellent change for ION Launch.

Route 8 Weber
Route 8 was revised along Weber Street from Fairview Mall to University and King. Route 8 would continue as route 12. Route 8 has been a problem, not just scheduling wise route route wise. Before streamlining the 8 along Weber Street, route 8 had 4 branches, 8 Weber, 8 Courtland, 8 Franklin and 8 Westmount. By streamlining route 8 along Weber, this provides more opportunity for other routes to be revised and service the other sections that were covered by route 8. Route 8 and 12 need to operate every 15-10 minutes due to the University area, downtown Kitchener and Fairview Mall. This would provide more direct connections to ION and other routes in Kitchener-Waterloo.
Route 8 was an excellent change for ION launch, but route 8 needs more frequent service throughout the day and evenings and weekends.

Route 9 Lakeshore
Route 9 was revised along the R and T Park to UW Station. This was another excellent change, with the loss of the 200 iXpress, route 9 would pick up more students and workers in that area. To make the 9 even more appealing for students, 15-minute service all day between Conestoga Mall and UW Station. This is another excellent change for ION Launch
Route 9 was an excellent change for ION launch.

Route 10 Pioneer
Route 10 was streamlined along Pioneer Drive to Conestoga College. 15-minutes Monday to Friday, 30-minutes evenings and weekends. With the 10 longer servicing Bechtel Drive, the 10 now has time to connect with other routes at Conestoga College and Fairview Mall. This is another excellent change for ION Launch.
Route 10 was an excellent change for ION launch.

Route 12 Westmount
Route 12 was streamlined along Bleams Road, Fischer-Hallman Road and Westmount Road. This is another excellent change, but again, same problems with route 8, not enough time and not enough frequency throughout the week and weekends. Route 12 and 8 should have the frequency of 10-minutes, but in the evenings have every 15-minutes until 11:30pm, then it becomes every 30-minutes.
Route 12 was an excellent change for ION Launch.

Route 14 Bathurst
Route 14 was revised to service the Bathurst Employment park. This route could have been modified to service the Bathurst employment park in a two way loop or incorporated it into another route, like route 9. Route 14 is literally a 12 minute route, by revising it into a 2 way loop or incorporating route 14 into another route, it would save a bus and it deployed else where, or have the 14 modified to service the Northlake neighbourhood and the Waterloo Industrial Park all together.
Route 14 needs to be re-looked at for service improvements.

Route 16 Strasburg Belmont
Route 16 was revised to service Conestoga College, Grand River Hospital, Belmont Village and Uptown Waterloo along the Strasburg Road, Ottawa Street, Highland Road and Belmont Road corridors. This is an excellent change because, the 16 now connects with more routes and ION. Any passenger who wants to go to Stanley Park Mall, Fairview Park, Conestoga Mall or even the Boardwalk can get on a 16 and transfer at either Uptown Waterloo or along Highland Road to connect to another route.
Route 16 is an excellent change for ION Launch.

Route 19 Hazel
Route 19 is a new route with 2 services, 19A St. Jacobs Market, 19B Northfield Station. This is another excellent change for ION launch. With route 19 operating every 15-minutes Monday to Saturday and 30-minutes on Sunday, this is similar to route 16.
Route 19 is an excellent change for ION launch.

Route 22 Laurentian West
Route 22 was revised from Sunrise Centre Station to Block Line Station along the Activa Drive, Rittenhouse Drive, Country Hill Drive and Block Line Road. This change was another great change but Sunday Service needs to increase to 30-minutes rather than 60-minutes. Route 22 could also be looked at to service the Trillium Drive Industrial Park, which would be beneficial not only to the workers, but other people that work on weekends or midnights.
Route 22 was a good change for ION launch.

Route 26 Trillium
Route 26 would be revised along Homer Watson Boulevard and Beasley Drive to the Trillium Drive employment area. This route is in the same spot as route 14. Another route should be covering it or it could be servicing Forest Glen Plaza.
Route 26 needs to be re-looked at for service improvements.

Route 27 Chicopee
Route 27 was modified 2-ways along Morgan Avenue and Morrison Road.
This route, needs to be combined with route 23 and service the Sims Estate neighbourhood then to Zeller Drive. Creating a new Fairway Road-Breslau iXpress route to cover Fairway and King up to Fairway and Lackner could be looked at for increased ridership.
Route 27 needs to be re-looked at for service improvements.

Route 28 Franklin North
New route 28 Franklin North connects Fairway Station and Stanley Park Mall along the Franklin Street corridor. This route falls under the same category as routes 14, 26 and 27. Combine it with an existing route.
Route 28 needs to be re-looked at for service improvements.

Route 29 Keats-University
Extended route to Conestoga Station along University Avenue, Lincoln Road, Bridge Street and Davenport Road. This is another excellent change for ION launch. The two things that could be changed for route 29 are increased in frequency and modify to service the UW Station.
Route 29 is an excellent change for ION launch.

Route 30 Ring Road
New route 30 would service all of Ring Road and exit as route 19.
Since this route is not operating until the UW station is completed, I cannot say if route 30 should be existing or should be with either route 9 or route 13.

Route 34 Bingemans
Route 34 would be revised to turn-around at Central Station via Charles Street and Francis Street with additional trips along Shirley Avenue and Centennial Drive. Route 34 has very little to no ridership. The option that would be brought into consideration would be revise route 34 into a two-way loop connecting Bingemans Centre Drive, Shirley Avenue, Centennial Road and Victoria Street. Route 34 would operate every 15-minutes and would connect with Frederick/Queen Stations and Central Station. Route 34 falls under the category with routes 14, 26, 27 and 28.
Route 34 needs to be re-looked at for service improvements.

Route 73 Northlake
Route 73 was revised to service Kumpf Drive, Northfield Station, and the community of Northlake.
This is another good change for ION launch, but with the 73s ridership increasing it seems that the call for a full conventional bus, like using an exiting route (route 14) could be modified to service this neighbourhood and connect with ION and Northfield and Conestoga Station.
Route 73 is a good change for ION launch.

Route 201 Fischer-Hallman iXpress
Extended route 201 to Conestoga College via Block Line Road, Courtland Avenue, Manitou Drive, Homer Watson Boulevard and Conestoga College Boulevard. This is an excellent change for ION and now it connects past Forest Glen Plaza, replacing route 116, which is an excellent change, as well as an increased frequency to accommodate with the growing ridership at Conestoga College.
Route 201 is an excellent change for ION launch.

Most of the route changes for ION launch were very successful, with the exception of routes 14, 26, 27, 28 and 34. They need to be reevaluated for the service level that they have.

Fall 2019 Service Changes

Route 36 Thomas Slee
New route connects Conestoga College Station and Robert Ferrie and South Creek roundabout.
This route needs to interline with something, rather than having one bus going out there, have the 36 connect with the 16 Monday to Friday and that would get the route busier.
Route 36 is a good change

Route 50 Dundas
This route should be combined with the 61. There's not enough ridership on the 50 to accommodate for a conventional bus. By having the 61 be the connecter between Conestoga College-Cambridge Centre and the community of Green Gate.
Route 50 should be combined with another route.

Route 54 Lisbon Pines
Extended service hours until 8:45pm Mon-Sat.
Another good service change

Route 55 Grand Ridge
Modified and combined routes 55 and 62 into a two-way loop. This is another good change, this provides more connections to Ainslie Terminal every 15-minutes.
This is another good change in Cambridge

Route 57 Blair
Modified and combined routes 111 College Express and route 57 to connect the community of Blair, Ainslie Terminal and Conestoga College. This change needed to happen sooner than later. Route 57 has been losing ridership for a long time. This change, will not only increase ridership, but will most likely call for extended hours on Saturdays and possibly hourly Sunday Service.
This is an excellent change.

Route 58 Elmwood
Extended service hours to 10:45pm on Sundays.
This is good for route 58 as it is a very popular route.
This is another good change

Route 61 Fountain
Revised route 61 along Preston Parkway. This is a good change. Although, route 61 should be revised to replace service along Cherry Blossom Road to Sportsworld Crossing. This not only would help the industrial workers, but route 67 could be modified to service all of Fountain Street and Boxwood Drive employment area.
This is a good change, but it needs to be revised again.

Route 67 Eagle-Pinbush
Extended route along Eagle Street, Fountain Street, Cherry Blossom Road and Maple Grove Road. This is another good change, but route 67 should have been looked at to service Fountain Street to Boxwood Drive and the Boxwood Business Campus.
This is another good change.

Route 72 Boxwood
Scheduled trips along Boxwood Drive and Maple Grove Road, Flex trips to Toyota, Lawblaws and the Boxwood Business Campus. This change, in my opinion, was not the greatest change. With routes 203 and 67, there are many other ways route 72 could have been altered or even discontinued.
Route 72 needs to be reevaluated for service.

Route 75 Saginaw
Additional trip leaving Cambridge Centre at 6:30pm.
This is another great change. Route 75 has been increasing ridership, and will continue to increase. It will eventually get 30-minute Sunday service.
This is another great change.

Route 76 Doon Mills BusPlus
revised route 76 along Doon South Drive, Doon Mills Drive and Old Carriage Drive. This is a good change, but either modifying route 22 or 33 would be beneficial to serving the area.
A good change, but could be re-looked at in the future.

Route 203 Maple Grove iXpress
Extended route all day to Conestoga College. This is another great change, and it also accommodates the growing ridership at Conestoga College. The only issue I do tend to see is that the route stops servicing the college at 6:30pm. This needs to go until the end of service, this would provide more connections to Sportsworld Crossing and Cambridge Centre and the Cambridge Business Park.
Route 203 is developing ridership, but needs more service to the College during the evenings and weekends.

Route 206 Coronation iXpress
Brand new express route connects Fairway Station, Sportsworld Station, Downtown Preston, Ainslie Terminal and West Galt (Southwood Secondary) every 15-minutes Monday to Friday, 30-minutes evenings and weekends. This new route is not too bad. It is a very good change, especially to get Ridership for ION LRT in Cambridge, but the only problem I, personally see with the 206 is scheduling. Scheduling is going to be difficult for the 206, when I first saw the schedule, it looked like the old 52 schedule just given a new name and new routing. The 206 needs its own schedule, not a copy and paste of the old 52 schedule.

That is my review of the ION launch service changes and the fall 2019 service changes for Cambridge. There are many good changes that have happened, but at the same time, there have been service changes that need to be reviewed and looked at to make our transit system better.

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