Friday, 7 February 2014

Entry #16: Bullying

Bullying, one of the worst things to experience as a child, an adult and as a senior citizen. Bullying, back in the 90's and early 00's, was more a face-to-face, verbal, physical, and emotional pain a person can cause another person. As a child growing up in the 90's (I was born in 1993) and first started school 1996-1997, i experienced what was to me, the worst bullying ever. The entire school decided to pick on me, including the teachers. No body wanted to help me, everyday I cam home crying with bruises on my legs saying "I was stupid". My parents immediately put me into a privet school  (Scholars' Hall) in which, the learning environment was more friendly and the teachers new how to stop bullying when it was happening and made sure it never happened again. But that was a long time ago, today, bullying has taken a new form. It is not just on the playground at school, it is now online, kids today think it is "funny" to pick on a certain person because of their race, their gender, and sexual orientation. My question to the bullies is, why? Why pick on them just because they are who they are? I understand that no one is perfect, but, when we all look at each other, we are not so different, we are humans, no body reigns superior over anyone, but kids today, do not know what comes out of their mouths and what they put online because, what they say to a person, stays online forever, it cannot be removed permanently. Kids have committed suicide because of kids that don't think before they type out what they say. The parents today have also changed dramatically. They just tell their kids "do whatever" and they sit there and do nothing, why? Because they are young and are inexperienced parents, but going to kids grandparents (the parents parents) and asking   for help can be so beneficial, but, I highly doubt that will happen anytime soon, I do remember my mom and dad asking for help when I was younger, and they have raised 4 amazing kids with so much respect to the community and to others. But kids today, they have NO respect towards anyone, just because they were raised that the world evolves around them. That is not true what so ever, and that is how bullying begins, one person see's another person that is "below" them, and the person and their friends begin to pick on the kid and his friends at school, in social areas, even online. Today, there is no escape from bullying today, that is why I tell people, I would be so scared to be a kid today because of the bullying online, I couldn't escape it. Bullying should be taken care of  by the law, bullies should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, no matter what their age is, if the person bullies another into committing suicide, that bully should be charged with murder, why? because that bully is tormenting and torturing their victims into believing that their  life is not worthy anymore and they should no longer exist. There is one thing that the bullies victim has over the bully. That thing is respect, there is a picture I have, and I will include it in this blog, it is two rival teams (NJ Devils and NY Rangers) goalies, the sentence in that picture is Respect out weighs Rivalry. That statement is so very true. The bully will never have any respect towards anyone, even if they claim they have respect, they have no respect what so ever, even in this society today, no body has respect towards anyone anymore. I know I am probably going to get into trouble for that last sentence but it is true, there are only a few people left that have respect towards anyone anymore, which is quite sad, but everyone has a rivalry with people, but remember this, respect out weighs rivalry, respect out weighs bullying.

Final Thought  
The one thing the bullies do not have is respect, but their victims have more respect than the bully. Bullies should also be charged with serious crimes because of their actions, what they say and post on the internet can be used against them in a court of law. No one and society should deal with bullying what so ever. No one reigns superior over anyone, everyone is equal because we are all humans.   

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