Starting next year, the buses that service Conestoga College will be getting a new terminal as well as more frequent service. As an alumni of Conestoga College, this is the next step for the college to get more frequent service, similar to the University area in Waterloo. This year and next year, Grand River Transit will be focusing their attention to South West Kitchener, and possibly Cambridge, so the routes will be restructured in such a way that they will either terminate at Cambridge Centre or Ainslie Terminal or the College itself. This year, Grand River Transit introduced a new branch on route 10 (10A via Old Carriage), route 16 to operate until 11pm, route 76 to service Robert Ferrie Drive and Thomas Slee Drive and route 110 to operate every 15 minutes Monday to Friday.
Next year, the service changes to the college are as follows
Route 16 will be getting new weekend service and at the launch of the ION LRT, route 16 will be extended to Uptown Waterloo
Route 57 will be resutrcured to service Ainslie Terminal and Conestoga College via Galt and Blair
Route 61 will be getting more service during the spring every 30 minutes and will operate until midnight
Route 76 will be operating every 30 minutes Monday to Friday
Route 201 will be servicing Conestoga College with more frequent service at the Launch of ION
Route 203 will be operating from Cambridge Centre to Conestoga College all day Monday to Friday during the Spring-Fall-Winter terms
New College transit facility will be located near the "A" Wing parking lot (off of Doon Valley Drive across from the college daycare.
As you can see from above, the college will be getting a lot more bus service from Grand River Transit. These changes will accommodate the ever-growing student population at Conestoga College.