Sunday, 24 January 2016

Entry #43: 2017 Service Changes

With the new bus service expansion at Conestoga College starting September 2016, this is because Waterloo Regional Council has approved the Conestoga College U-PASS. With the approval of the U-Pass comes major transit changes at the College:
Route 10
- Increase Frequency of AM and PM Peak service to 15 minutes
- Saturday and Sunday Service 30 minutes
Route 16
- Increase Frequency of AM and PM Peak service to 15 minutes
- Evening Service until Approximately 10:30pm
Route 61
- Increase Frequency of AM and PM Peak service to 15 minutes
- Evening Service until Approximately 10:30pm
- Saturday Service from Approximately 10am to 6pm
Route 110-116
- Increase Frequency of AM and PM Peak service to 15 minutes
Route 111
- Increase AM and PM peak period service from 40-45 minutes to 20 minutes.
203 Mid-Region iXpress 
- No change until 2017

These are some very crucial and important changes happening at the college. After this expansion comes the important expansion year, 2017, South West Kitchener and the beginning of the ION LRT. In 2017, South West Kitchener will look very different from what it looks like now. To get a better understanding, the following routes will be looked at
Route 3 Ottawa South, Route 7 Mainline, Route 8 University/Fairview Park, Route 10 Conestoga College, Route 11 Country Hills, Route 12 Fairview Park-Conestoga Mall, Route 16 Forest Glen-Conestoga College, Route 22 Laurentian West, Route 23 Idlewood, Route 27 Chicopee, Route 33 Huron, 201 iXpress , 203 iXpress and 205 iXpress. These routes will look very different and have a higher frequency service as well. The predictions I have for 2017 are:

Route 3 Ottawa South
- Increased frequency of service from 30 minutes to 15 minutes Monday to Friday
- Weekend service every 30 minutes

Route 7 Mainline
- Rationalized route 7 into 3 branches 7A via Wilson, 7B via Weber, 7C Conestoga Mall
- 7A/7B every 15 Minutes, 30 evening and Weekend
- 7C every 7.5 minutes Monday to Friday, 15 evening and weekend

Route 8 University-Fairview Park
- Removed route 8 from Franklin and introduced new service along Weber Street, Fourth Street and Connaught Street
- Increased evening and weekend service from 45 minutes to 30 minutes

Route 10 Conestoga College 
- Modified route 10 to service the Doon South neighbourhood.
- Route 10A will be via Pioneer, 10B via Doon South
- Increased route 10 to 15 minutes Monday to Friday, 30 minute evening and weekend

Route 11 Country Hills
- Modified route 11 to service Sunrise Centre from Forest Glen plaza. 
- Increased route 11 service to 15 minutes Monday to Friday, 30 minutes evening and weekends.

Route 12 Fairview Park-Conestoga Mall 
- Modified route 12 to service Fallowfield Drive neighbourhood and Block Line Road to Fairway.
- Increased route 12 frequency to 15 minutes Monday to Friday.

Route 16 Forest Glen-Conestoga College
- Modified route 16 to service Strasburg Road, Thomas Slee, New Dundee and Conestoga College Boulevard. 
- New weekend service to approximately 10:30pm. 

Route 22 Laurentian West
- Modified route 22 to service the Sunrise Centre and Fairview Park via Forest Glen Plaza
- Evening and Weekend service improved to 30 minutes

Route 23 Idlewood
- Modified route 23 into a two-way loop connecting Sims Estate, Lackner Boulevard, Franklin Street to Stanley Park Mall 
- New Sunday Service from 7:45am to approximately 11:00pm
- Evening to be extended to 11pm

Roue 27 Chicopee
- Modified route 27 to service Sims Estate and Fairway Road to the Waterloo Regional Airport. 
- 30 minute service Monday to Friday
- New midday summer service introduced. 

Route 33 Huron
- Modified route 33 to service The Boardwalk via the Huron Village, Fischer-Hallman, Huron Industrial Park, Fairview Park and Conestoga College. 
- Route 33 has new midday, evening and weekend service every 30 minutes. 

201 iXpress
- Extended route from Forest Glen plaza to Fairview Park via Block Line and Fairway Road

203 iXpress 
- Extended route from Sportsworld Crossing to Fairview Park via Conestoga College and the Huron Industrial Park
- Evening service increased from 30 minutes to 15 minutes.
- Saturday and Sunday Service increased from 60 minutes to 30 minutes. 

205 Ottawa Street iXpress
- New express route that connects Ottawa Street and Lackner Boulevard to the Sunrise Centre along the Ottawa Street corridor.
- 15 minute service Monday to Friday, 30 minute service on weekends. 

These are some of the predictions that would happen in 2017. I am not 100% sure which ones are true besides the 201-203 iXpress will be extended to Fairview. One option I would like to see is route 20 extended along Victoria Street to Lackner to Fairview Park via Franklin Street and Ottawa Street and route 23 gets combined with the 10. This is another option I would like to see. 

These are some of the options that might happen in 2017. I do not know all the changes, but the 201-203-205 iXpress are coming in 2017. The other routes, I do not know what is going to happen, these are just my ideas that might happen. We will see what the planners have for the fall of 2016. 

Until then, have a great evening and a great week everyone!