Good day my fellow internet surfers,
As of today, this blog will be put on hold until further notice. I have been focused on studying for final exams and getting a full-time summer job.
To enter this final blog of the term, let me just say, it has been an honour providing you with insightful news topics throughout Canada, Waterloo Region and the United States, as well as sharing peaceful and positive images on the Facebook page.
I WILL be sending brief updates on the Facebook page, but they will range from 1-7 sentences long, with a lot of information.
The peaceful and positive images will continue to be posted.
I hope you've had some fun reading some of the issues and events occurring throughout the Waterloo Region, I will be posting brief blogs in the future, none of them will be lengthy, possibly just one to tow paragraphs long with my final thought.
I Hope you all have a safe May long weekend and a safe summer.
This is David Sej, signing off, for now.