Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Entry #4 New Blogs in the New Year

Good morning/afternoon/evening my fellow bloggers and friends. This blog with be very brief and to the point, no rating. As you may know I am a college student and trying my best to keep up to date with my assignments and tests (which are not difficult for me as I always get everything handed in on time).  I will not be posting blogs from now until December 13, 2013. After that I will be posting a Christmas blog, but not right now. I have a biology retest, presentation and final exam to study for, as well as a final project for my New Media Studies class, a final analysis for my Business Communcation class, and tow more essays for my philosophy class (one being a final exam).
I wish you all the best of your studies and hope you do very well in school and/or work.

David. Sej

Friday, 15 November 2013

Entry #3: Family And Children Services: Protecting Children and Eliminating the Fit Parents

Family and Children Services or FCS for short, have a job to protect children and analyze the parents to see of they are fit and they can go to court to get their children back. Unfortunately that is not what FCS does, they cause both the child or children and the parents being analyzed stress. Not dis-stress or eustress, bad stress, what FCS does to these people is use the court as a playing board. They make all of the allegations about the people trying to show FCS that they are fit, and are willing to cooperate with them and follow their rules, but what FCS does is continue to make up these false statements about the parents being analyzed. To the people following their rules, they want them to stop with the false accusations and false stories they bring to the judge. We all understand they are trying to protect children from harms way, but they are creating more harm than saving them from it. They just create more problems rather than cooperating with everyone who works with their rules. The kind of stress FCS puts on people that are working cooperatively with them is not a healthy stress, it can cause significant damage to the person’s health. They see that the parent is cooperating with them and doing all the tasks to help earn their child back, but they will not allow that because they do not want people that are fit parents, they look to the people whom see fit, but are not fit at all. An example of this would be parents that smoke and do illegal drugs, but they hide it all when FCS comes around. It is like they have a double life; the first life is doing drugs and distributing them throughout our community, making it toxic and not livable in. The second life is being “clean” and proving to FCS that they are “fit parents” when in reality they are not fit at all. FCS should do more background checks, even criminal checks to see if the parents are legitimate fit to have and raise a child they should also make sure that the parents are in school trying to get their high school diploma so they can have some flow of money coming into the home where the child might be living. In reality, FCS will not do this, all they look at is if the parents being analyzed to make sure they are doing their best to follow FCS rules so they can at least have a chance to win their children, but will make false allegations and also deny they made the allegations. We understand they are not trying to be fare, but causing stress that can have a harmful effect on the child and the parents being analyzed to see if they are fit. This stress does have an effect to their wellness and health, as a college student taking a wellness course, the kind of stress they are putting on the parents and the children is not healthy, it does have an impact on both the parents health and wellness. FCS should be more respectful and have more clear rules that help both benefit the parents being analyzed to see if they are fit to get their children from them and also for FCS to make sure, they make truthful allegations and how the parents are progressing and meeting their criteria, rather than just seeing untruthful allegations about the parents.

Entry #2: Duffy, Walin, Breazeau Innocent, Harper and other Conservatives Guilty

As Canadians were getting ready for the summer, they discovered that senators Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin had one of the big scandals in Canadian history. When the opposition asked Prime Minister Stephen Harper about these scandals, he decided to shut down parliament and prorogue it until October 16, 2013. After Harper prorogued Parliament for the fourth time, Canadians wanted to know more about these scandals. But, Harper does not want to talk about it0 nor answer the tough questions coming from the opposition, so he tells Canadians to ‘shut the up and move on’ by proroguing. The Wallin scandal was only viewed for at least one month then Canadians forgot about it, but the one that will not go away is the Mike Duffy Scandal. Duffy owes Canadian taxpayers $95,000, he also did not claim that PEI is his home residence. This scandal still has new allegations coming out against Duffy and the Prime Minister. Harper and his party still continue to play the “blame game” and accuse other members within the party and link them to the Duffy scandal. What Canadians really want, is to know is why Duffy did it and for him to own up to it and not have all of this garbage. One system that would work for Canada is the model after Kitchener city hall but with the governor general. On the right side, all the local politicians and regional councilors working together and the economists working on the right side. If Canada and the Canadian people want a political system like this, politicians on one side and economists on the right, then both report to the governor general, this system could help reduce the amount of political scandals in Canada. Canadians are sick and tired of hearing about their tax dollars going toward a sixteen dollar glass of orange juice or something more ridiculous, Canadians want to see their tax dollars going toward improving Canada, like roadways, and getting new trades going with the global market. What Canadians can get out of this system is accountability; the politicians make all of their documentation and what they plan to discuss with other politicians. Rather than having scandals and other bad issues coming out of Parliament, we can see improvements if Canadians want this system in place rather than have lies, pointing fingers and the ‘blame game” being played in our country’s capital. Canadians want our politicians to be honest and not to make promises they cannot keep. There is no end soon to this Duffy scandal, as what Porky Pig from the Looney Tunes would say “Th-Th-Th-That’s all folks” but in this case “Th-Th-Th that’s not all folks.” We can expect more coming from Duffy from this scandal and Harper covering his behind and not answering any of the questions coming from the Liberal and NDP, Canadians should be thinking, shouldn’t our system be improved? We should look at Kitchener’s city hall layout as an example that can benefit all of Canada because we hear not a lot of scandals from city hall, and the regional councilors and the mayor all have social media webpages so they can keep their citizens informed of upcoming events and other information can be released to the public before it is in the newspapers or on the website of Kitchener. Canadians should not tolerate scandals like the Duffy-Wallin-Brazeau. We need to look at a new system so we can see an issue before a scandal occurs and prevent it. For the current system we have, it is good, but there is much we can do to improve it, Canadians should not look at Parliament Hill and see an episode of a classic Loony Tunes cartoon, but the people they elect to speak their concerns to the house of commons so a solution can be made.

By David Sej, Kitchener, Ontario

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Entry #1: Toronto with it's Troubles

As we begin to look at more and more allegations coming out against Toronto mayor Rob Ford and him smoking crack-cocaine. Yesterday, the Toronto police released more documentation about Ford not just smoking crack-cocaine, but also using cocaine Marijuana, drinking heavily, and prostitutes. As a citizen of Ontario, Canada, I feel so embarrassed by Ford, but at the same time I feel really bad for Ford. As everyone knows, people do make mistakes, but Ford denying the allegations of him posing with three alleged drug dealers and one of them had a video of Ford smoking what appears to be crack-cocaine. That was back in May 2013, just last week Ford admitted he has smoked crack-cocaine and now people are beginning to loose faith in Ford, which is understandable. Being intoxicated with illegal drugs does have impact on his reasoning for doing really bad things and making bad decisions. But as most people look at the negatives of Ford, no one has ever mentioned that success he has done. Before the allegations of Ford and crack-cocaine, Ford was looking at getting a subway built in Scarborough. He presented that to his council and they approved of it, that is one of Ford's biggest successes, getting that subway passed and have it built, he got that done. I am for sure not saying Rob Ford is perfect, but he is human, humans make mistakes, but in this case, it is a huge mistake that has comeback and bit Ford right in the bottom. This scandal will never go way unless he decides to get serious help for his alcohol and drug abuse. This scandal is not just in Canada, it is international news, Rob Ford has made himself look like a fool and has embarrassed Toronto and Canada on the international level. He has also damaged Canada's reputation because of this scandal. I would like Rob Ford to step down for a bit, not be removed from power, just removed for a few weeks or a few months so he can get the help he needs.